Sunday 20 October 2013

What does the Horse say?

Just by chance as I was walking to University today, I saw these impressive creatures being pieced together. Created from individual pieces of wood, they were all being sanded down by over a dozen workers.

If you have seen the Warhorse theatre production, you could draw resemblance's. Although these are obviously not able to be manipulated by a human, nor are any of them called Joey.

Discover New Berlin

Below is an advert from a food stall in one of the local malls. From the 'Discover New Berlin' poster, you may have guessed that they are selling German style food. 

Well that's what you would hope.

I am not entirely sure what that baby is meant to represent, nor am I overly confident in what he has eaten. The food and the odd colouring around his lips doesn't really sell 'New Berlin' to me. Think I will stick with the Thai food that I can't pronounce.

Wet Books

I will never complain ever again that it rains to much in the UK! It is positively mild compared to the monsoons that I have experienced out here.

We stepped out of the train, and had a half a mile walk back to the apartment. When I got back, I looked like I had been for a swim in all my clothes. I pulled my books out of my bag and they were dripping.

Thankfully we didn't opt for shelter until it dried off, as it went hard from about 6pm through till midnight. Surely the rainy season must be over by now!

Touch. Pause. Engage.

A week or so ago, I was telling my Dad how civilised the underground is compared to New York. Tonight was the exception to that rule!

You had to almost rev yourself up as you were coming of the escalator to tackle the scrum of people. A usual 5 minute wait took 30 minutes, as we had to let trains go past before we could get on.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Determination for Education

My walk to Uni is usually straightforward. That was not the case this morning.

Walking downstairs, I was greeted by a mini stream floating down the Soi. As my brogues and chino's are no match for Thailand's rainy season, I ran back up stairs, rolled up my trousers to my knees and slipped on my flip flops.

I definitely jinxed myself by saying that it was coming to the end of the rainy season.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Blending In

As I am doing quite a lot of Muay Thai at the moment, I thought I best buy some wrist wraps. I had the choice of any compound colour , but to ensure that I blended in, I got a set of leopard print (or giraffe print) beauties.

The coach gave me an odd look, when I was strapping up. Must have been impressed and thought I was incredibly macho or something...


I know I have shown you pictures of street food before, but tonights feast was just to good to not share. Consisting of a corn on the cob, a steak, 4 pork skewers and a banana pancake basket, I was well and truly stuffed. The best thing about it, was that it came to about £3. 

Fake Thunderbolts

I got told today that the rainy season is coming to an end. Hopefully those clouds with lightening bolts in the middle of them are just for show then...

Stocking Up

I feel that I have adapted to Thai food pretty well. However, there are a few MBA's who still crave their home comforts. For Simon, it's Weetabix.

As you can see, he eats a lot of them. He has been known to eat a whole tube in one session before. Animal!

England Train

I wonder how long it would take me to get back to Doncaster on this?

Feel Your Pain

Fortunately, it was not me that was pulling the all night session today but this poor soul in the neighbouring office. She had clearly pulled a big shift, and was catching up on a few dreams. I took this photo at 7.30am, so she better have woken up quick before the rest of her office walked in.

Supermarket Oddities

I have seen and eaten some some strange foods in my life time. None as strange as Seaweed Pringles though. They are salty, very, very green and a bit cardboard like. Put your orders in now, if you want me to bring some back.

I also can't help but think Mr. Pringle looks like Keith Lemon!

Tom & Jerry

The TV in my room, as you would expect, has a lot of Thai speaking channels and as there are only so many times you can watch Bloomberg on loop, I went on the hunt for some variety. This was until, I flicked upon an absolute gem, in the form of a Tom and Jerry cartoon.

Unfortunately though, I haven't found it again since. At least it was good for the 10 minutes it lasted!

Group Meal

This has to be up there with one of the worst pictures I have ever taken. It is trying to depict a meal all of the MBA students and the faculty.

To be fair to my picture though, it was an absolute feeding frenzy and if I wasn't quick about it, I would have definitely missed out on the dishes. You would think we were all ravenous students that have just come back of a year on a Mountbatten stipend or something...

My New Favourite Place

It has only taken me a month to get myself to a Muay Thai gym. Now I am here though, I never want to leave!

Krudam Gym is a haven for getting away from the books. This place shall definitely become a regular.

Me Love You Long Time

To anyone that has walked down Soi Cowboy and maybe even ventured into a bar, you will understand more than most, as to what these bands represent.

This was one of the more tame ones as well!

Making Our Own Fun

You wouldn't think we were in the middle of Bangkok, where there are endless opportunities for entertainment. The picture below, may as well be from my fresher year at University.

Rock n' Roll Lifestyle

Before I came to Thailand, I was naive enough to think that I would be able to explore Bangkok as much as I had explored New York on an evening. I could not have been more wrong. 

My nose is very much in the books. Literally!

Rush Hour Celebrity

It is 6.15pm, at Sukhumwit station. Rush hour basically. There are queue's backing up everywhere. And that is on a normal day.

Imagine how busy it would be if you placed a Thai TV celebrity in the middle of it all for photo sessions. Crazy!

Not being that clued up on Thai Televison, I wasn't aware of who this man was. To state the obvious, I think he is on a programme called The Sixth Sense. It was fascinating to see all of these commuters, make a b-line for the stand and get their smart phones out. So I joined in, pretending that I was desperate to see who this chap was. I didn't join in with the screaming bit though!

Bang Sue

To get back and forth from class, we have to catch the underground. There are not that many underground around Bangkok, so it is fairly straight forward. Especially when they are named 'Bang Sue'...

Fascinating Farangs

After a gorgeous weekend on the beach, it was back to the classroom.

The first class was going well, until we got slightly distracted by the gentlemen who found a room full of 'farangs' extremely interesting. 

He stood there for a few minutes. Went away. Then came back with his iPad to take pictures of us. I hope he got my good side!