Sunday 17 November 2013

Bubbles Burst

A huge crash back down to reality(ish) with rain slamming against the window, my spectacular view and the dissertation. Final push now!

Goodbye Brunch

To reminisce over the past few weeks, I took the team to the Grand Millennium brunch. Ahead of their incredibly long trip back home through Beijing, I made sure they all had a solid feed.

Pleasantly satisfied, they hopped in a taxi and sped of to the distance. See you in a little over four weeks!

ChatuChak Weekend Market

A very comprehensive market. From One Direction trials, to XL sized paella creating chefs, ChatuChak market has a vast array of items. I shall definitely be paying a visit before I leave to pick up a few Christmas presents I feel.

Thai Belly

1 anxious Tom + 1 extra large toilet roll = Thai Belly

Super Sized Mojito

Yes that is a mojito in a vase. And yes that is Bobbo kissing it. He is either reenacting winning a trophy or he just really loves mojitos.

Muai Thai for Three

I took the boys to see the other boys at Krudam gym tonight. Fair to say they had a worthwhile evening, as they are both now going to look for Muai Thai gyms back in the UK!

Game On!

Competitive much? From air hockey to basketball, high scores were being set everywhere. Bobbo, gobsmackingly, set the high score for the punch bag, while Tom maxed out the mallet slam. Two supreme athletes right there folks!