Monday 16 September 2013

Temples and Elephants

I got to see some of real Thailand today. Although, I have only been in Bangkok a week, I get the impression that Bangkok is not an exact of image of how mainland Thailand is. A similar point of view that I experienced with New York and how it is not like mainland America.

We were picked up by our very colourful bus at 8am and headed for the Prathom Jedi temple, in Nakorn Prathom Province. Knowing an embarrassingly small amount about Buddhism, it was great to learn something new and see Buddha in all its forms. The image below is of Phra sleep Buddha.

After our temple excursion, we hopped back on the bus and headed to our hotel, located on the River Kwai. We dropped our bags and headed straight for Sai Yok Elephant Park.

The Nelly's were so much fun! They are such powerful creatures and incredibly clever. We got told a few basic instructions and they moved to where ever I spoke. Even with my awful Thai.

The evening involved getting beaten terribly at beer pong by the Americans! No news there.

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