Wednesday 11 September 2013

Welcome to Bangkok

I was expecting a slightly more chaotic entrance into Bangkok than I experienced today. From stepping of the plane to meeting my pick up and collecting my luggage, my initial ordeal was over in 40 minutes. Good start!

From leaving the airport in the back of the Nissan Altima, I was like an eager dog gorping out the window. Taking in all the sights and trying to make sure my first shot was a good one.

My first port of call was the Swissotel, as recommended by one of the Mountbatten contacts. A more than suitable place to catch up on my lack of sleep. After taking a quick shower to freshen up, I was more than impressed with my faux Sistine Chapel ceiling and overly grand entrance to the hotel.

Food was the next objective. Opting for the hotel restaurant, I was greeted with some Butterfly Pea juice. It was bright purple in colour and fairly sweet. One thimble was enough for me. Singh was the next fluid. 

Although most of the foods had an english spelling next to them, I still had absolutely no idea what I was consuming. Most of what I ate was a great success, apart from the green jelly string substance covered in a brown syrup. That is never going near me again!

My first Bangkok picture

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